May 3, 2009


Today FLW recommends Margaret Millar's Beast in View, which from Amazon's sneak peek seems intriguing - but here's my Sunday Secret: I'm horribly afraid of multiple-personality movies and books, and with all the teasers I've read, I'm afraid BIV might turn out to be one. I'd prefer a straight-up murder mystery (well, not too straight-up, or I guess there's really limited mystery potential).

I ordered it from PBS anyway. :P

Speaking of PBS, stuff has been coming in amazingly fast. Yesterday I discovered that sending paperbacks via Media Mail is not always the smartest way to go. For an additional 20 cents or so (if it's a reasonably-sized paperback) you could opt for first-class, which will place the book in the receivers hands in less than a week, as opposed to MM's 4- to 6-week wait ...


Sadako said...

Looks creepy! I'm also afraid of the multiple personality movies. SOOO many of them turn out that way, and it's not even shocking anymore. It's just lazy. Did you see the Robert DeNiro one, Hide and Seek? When I first saw it, I was hoping it wouldn't be like that...but it was.

damned_cat said...

I didn't see Hide and Seek (is that the one with Dakota Fannin?) but I saw (and was freaked by) Primal Fear (Richard Gere & Edward Norton.) Even though that wasn't exactly a multiple-personality flick. Also, Never Talk to Strangers was creepy (Antonio Banderas, my sole reason for watching)

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